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The banking sector in India is witnessing a sea of change, and bankers’ businesses have become more complex and difficult in this knowledge-driven era of technology.
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GARNISHEE ORDER A Garnishee Order is an order issued by court under provisions of Order 21, Rule 46 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. The concept of ‘Garnishment’ has been introduced in civil procedure code by the amendment Act, 1976 and is a remarkable piece of legislation. This term has been derived from the […]
Your CIBIL Score is an evaluation of your credit history for determination of your loan eligibility. With many applicants looking for a loan, banks were increasingly finding it difficult to carry out intensive background checks regarding the credit-worthiness of the applicant. A Credit Information Company (CIC) is an independent organization licensed by the Reserve Bank […]
Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) is the pillar of economic growth of India. MSME has played a prominent role in the development of the country in terms of creating employment opportunities- MSMEs contribute 29 per cent to India’s gross domestic product and comprise almost half of its exports. These units employ over 11 crore […]
Government of India, Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation has restructured the existing Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) and launched the NULM w.e.f. 24.09.2013. Scheme is operative in all districts headquarters irrespective is population and all cities with population of 1 lakh or more and that SJSRY was to remain operational till March […]
Internet banking has become one of the fastest and easiest way of banking. Information security issue is the most important one in using Internet and it becomes more crucial while implementing the Internet in banking sectors. This research revealed a lot of risks and threats to the security of online banking information which are increasing […]
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