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The banking sector in India is witnessing a sea of change, and bankers’ businesses have become more complex and difficult in this knowledge-driven era of technology.
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To provide customers safety in cheque payments and reduce instances of fraud occurring on account of tampering of cheque leaves, RBI introduces a mechanism of Positive Pay for all cheques of value ₹50,000 and above. RBI Governor Shakti Kanta Das has announced of the same on 6 August 2020. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) […]
In line with international practices and as per the recommendations made by the Committee on the Financial System (Chairman Shri M. Narasimham), the Reserve Bank of India has introduced, in a phased manner, prudential norms for income recognition, asset classification and provisioning for the advances portfolio of the banks to move towards greater consistency and […]
The issue of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) in the Indian banking sector has become the subject of much discussion and scrutiny. When the borrower stops paying interest or principal on a loan, the lender institutions will lose money. Such a loan is known as Non-Performing Asset (NPA). Indian Banking industry is seriously affected by Non-Performing Assets. […]
A wilful defaulter is an entity or a person that has not paid the loan back despite the ability to repay it. The RBI has been initiating every effort to ensure that wilful default should not adversely affect the health of the banking system. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is in the process of […]
Banks in India are reeling from the overhang of bad loans on their books across both the public and private sector. After a prolonged period of stress, which saw the gross non-performing assets (GNPA) of scheduled commercial banks rising drastically. The Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI’s) Financial Stability Report (FSR) of December 2020 has […]
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